Your Pathway to Living a FREE, FULFILLED & FEARLESS life!

Hey Gorgeous!
My super power of LOVE & INTUITION tells me that you are here because you are
an AMAZING woman that is FULL of untapped potential. You know that you could
accomplish more in your life but you’re stuck in suspense between who you ARE and
who you desire to BE…..
Personally, you seem to attract dysfunctional people into your inner circle. Your work-life flow is totally out of balance. You struggle with setting healthy boundaries which causes you to be self-sacrificing and you just feel like you are giving out more than you receive. Everyone feels that you have it all together but deep down inside you constantly question if you are good enough, competent, and you wonder if anyone actually sees the “real you“. Your “self-talk” resembles the chatter of a psychopathic madman and you just wish that the negative noise would stop! Like enough already!
Professionally, you desire to start a business or shift your career
but you have NO idea how to discover the Passion and Purpose that’s within you!
You’ve built your self-worth on your Achievements and Accolades and your
identity is rooted in your profession, income, martial status or service to others. You’re trying to
DO all of the right things but there is a disconnect which leaves you with a constant
feeling that there has to be MORE! And despite your greatest efforts to
“pull it together“ things just keep falling apart.
Guess what Girlfriend? The comparison, the chatter, the cycle, the
feeling of discontentment will NEVER end until you clear out the
clutter, tap into your Personal Power and gain the right strategy to
move forward in your life and business!
Welcome to The Amazing Love Journey ™
Your Pathway to Living a FREE, FULFILLED & FEARLESS LIFE!
Every woman needs to take a journey, to hit the
pause button long enough to figure out
who she is, what she needs, and how
she is going to manifest her deepest desires.
Unfortunately, most of us are unable to totally
unplug from our careers, family, and social
obligations… That is until now!
The Amazing Love Journey
is like having an Eat Pray Love experience
without leaving your home.
This virtual journey is designed to teach you how to
clear out the emotional and mental clutter that is
keeping YOU stuck
and dissatisfied with your life, equip you to discover
your personal power & utilize it!
My sister-clients have gained the confidence to write books
that were buried beneath a mountain of fear and disbelief,
they’ve launched business ideas that have been with them
since childhood but because LIFE just happened they
never moved on their idea, and others have up-leveled their
sales strategy by eradicating their self-
limiting beliefs and LETTING GO of past hurt and failures!
Now it’s time for you to manifest your
deepest desires and create the right strategy to move
forward in business and in life!
Take a peek at my love notes…
Hey Gorgeous, my name is Checree
I wasn’t always FREE, I wasn’t always FULFILLED, I wasn’t always FEARLESS. That’s why I’m here to show you The Path! Because you need SOMEONE! Not just a principle or a strategy but SOMEONE who knows the terrain, SOMEONE who’s navigated the peaks and valleys of the Journey, someone that has the BLUEPRINT to get you from where you are to where you desire to be.. and girlfriend that Someone is ME! I’ve trekked the journey of a thousand women from being homeless with young children to making six figures and then launching a successful coaching consultancy. I’ve coached hundreds of women and the common thread that weaves us together is based on a core desire. WE WANT TO BE HAPPY. Women have sacrificed their souls for the chance of obtaining a measure of self-worth, self-love, acceptance, confidence, and fragments of happiness only to find that once they achieved their picture of success… happiness was fleeting. Because happiness cannot be found outside of yourself. Happiness is within you! As you remove the blockers to your success and increase your Personal Power you will gain the ability to tap into a reservoir that will never run dry!
The Amazing Love Journey empowers you to give yourself permission to BE HAPPY NOW because happiness is a choice and it begins with YOU!
Wanna know more about me? Grab a cup of tea and read My Story HERE!
Honoring yourself by saying NO to others and HECK YES to your dreams, your desires, and your needs without feeling guilty!
Pushing past your fear of letting others down and focus on making sure that you are aligned with your personal path to success.
Identify those self-sabotaging beliefs and replacing them with strong declarations that instantly increase your personal power and raise your vibration!
Getting rid of the distractions and discover your purpose and live it out DAILY with confidence and conviction!
Letting go of past offenses and creating a peaceful atmosphere that is conducive to your emotional well-being!
Ditching the self-imposed expectations and finally begin to live life on your terms!
Your Journey to Living a FREE, FULFILLED & FEARLESS life!
NOW is the TIME to embark on your Journey to
Self Love & Self Discovery!™
- Exclusive Facebook Group: This group is all about THE JOURNEY. Collectively we come together to offer support and sound wisdom based on the principles that we gain during our journey to Self Love & Self Discovery.
- Live Q&A: Once a month we will meet via Video Chat for an intimate Q&A where we can “get bare” and discuss whatever you desire.
- Lifetime Access: Once you are in the member’s portal you can access the MP4 file and it’s yours ….. like forever!
- 8 Weeks of Group Coaching: Each week you will receive a new Module and gain access to explore a new Path on Your Journey to Self Love & Self Discovery.
- Self Love Investment: It’s time to a little “sweat equity”. This is where you put principle to practice! our Self-Love Investment worksheets are designed to maximize your progress by helping you to “dig a little deeper”. Each week you will gain access to the Self Investment Worksheet that coincides with the Module (Path) that you are on. This worksheet will help to keep you focused and on track as you take the journey to Self Love & Self Discovery.
- Laser Coaching: Let’s dig deep! If you are one of our elite members you will accentuate your Journey to Self Love & Self Discovery with (2) Two – 45-minute monthly personal development coaching calls. Your Certified Coach will walk you through any principles that may be a little challenging for you.. (uhem like the Path to Forgiveness) This option is only available with the Guided version of the program.
This is designed for the DIY’er. If you are a self-learner and really thrive by spending time WITH yourself…. this track is for you!
8 Weeks of In-depth Training via Video
Exclusive Facebook Community
Weekly Self Investment Worksheets
Lifetime Access to Your Journey to Self Love & Self Discovery
If you’re ready to shorten your learning curve and get real-time answers and assistance to work through your blockers…This is designed for YOU! Gain specific insight on your Journey to Self Love & Self Discovery with a Certified Coach
8 Weeks of In-depth Training
Exclusive Facebook Community
Weekly Self Investment Worksheets
Lifetime Access to Your Journey to Self Love & Self Discovery
Two (2) Monthly 45 – Minute Individual Coaching Calls
A new Module will be released at the beginning of the week for the duration of The Journey.

The Path to Self-Discovery
You have to BE yourself to SEE yourself!
It’s time to pull back the layers of what you do and discover who you truly are. Stepping into your authentic self is the first step in creating and mastering a life that you love. In this Module, we focus our attention on heightening your consciousness of SELF. .

The Path to Self Love
It’s all about YOU!
Loving yourself is simply taking ownership of How you Feel, What you Think and How you respond to Life. Loving yourself is making a firm commitment to understand your core needs and taking responsibility to meet those needs. Say goodbye to unmet desires as we learn how to satisfy and support ourselves.

The Path to Forgiveness
It’s time to let it go!
Release yourself and others from past offenses and learn how to overcome feelings of resentment, vengeance, and disappointment. In this Module, we will bridge the gap between chaos and calm and discover the pathway that leads to healing, peace, and overall wellness.

The Path to Emotional Wholeness
Gain control of your emotions!
Heighten your Emotional Intelligence and calm the seas of your restless soul. In this Module, we will learn how to master our emotions and leverage our ability to respond to life instead of reacting to it.

The Path to Mental Agility
It’s time to slay those mental minons.
As a man thinks, so is he.Truer words have never been spoken. In this Module, we will challenge you to elevate your thinking and gain a clearer perspective for your life and purpose.

The PATH to Prioritizing
You Matter
Put your mask on FIRST. In this Module will we delve deep into the principle of prioritizing yourself. Learn how to set healthy boundaries and increase your capacity to love yourself. .

The Path to Freedom
The answer lays within you.
Feel the breeze of liberty on your face as you walk confidently through the plush landscape of peace and overall prosperity. In this Module, we will focus on letting go of every self-imposed unrealistic expectation and self-limiting belief.

The Path to Actualization
Let’s put the Law of Attraction into full effect! We don’t attract what we desire, we attract WHO we are! In this Module, we will create a roadmap that optimizes your Self Love Plan. A plan that fits your personality and lifestyle and suports your committment to live Free, Fuifilled & Fearless!
Everyone could use a little extra love….. so I’m going to share some with you.
This LOVE VAULT contains the recorded affirmations and motivational tracks that I utilized on my
Journey to Self Love & Self Discovery!
Self Guided
This is designed for the DIY’er. If you are a self-learner and really thrive by spending time WITH yourself…. this track is for you!
8 Weeks of In-depth Training via Video
Exclusive Facebook Community
Weekly Self Investment Worksheets
Lifetime Access to Your Journey to Self Love & Self Discovery
If you’re ready to shorten your learning curve and get real-time answers and assistance to work through your blockers…This is designed for YOU! Gain specific insight on your Journey to Self Love & Self Discovery with a Certified Coach
8 Weeks of In-depth Training
Exclusive Facebook Community
Weekly Self Investment Worksheets
Lifetime Access to Your Journey to Self Love & Self Discovery
Two (2) Monthly 45 – Minute Individual Coaching Calls
How much longer are you willing to stay on the sidelines fantasizing about your ideal life?
✓ You’re probably ready for “The Amazing Love Journey™” if:
- Sick and tired of experiencing the same CRAP over and over again.
- Fed up with COMPARING yourself with others.
- Exhausted from trying to KEEP it all together.
- READY to make the leap from “DOING all the right things” to BEING your authentic self”
✗ You’re probably not ready for “The Amazing Love Journey™” if:
- You’re comfortable with your life!
- You’re not willing to tap into your personal power!
- You believe that you are a passenger in the cycle of life!
- You’re not ready to invest in your personal development.